
\ˈtrəŋ-ˌkā-təd, ˈtrən-\: Shortened by or as if by having a part cut off; cut short.


…and loving it

The title came to me before I started writing Truncated.

I remember watching nature shows and being simply fascinated by the unbelievable life forms that inhabited our planet. But something had hit home that was hard to watch at times. No matter how cute or majestic a creature was, something was surviving off eating it. Nature itself, was giving life and then consuming it to exist.

Life was quite simply, living off life.

For some creatures, their lives are measured in seconds. Gentle young sea turtles hatching and then racing to the water only to be snatched up by a diving bird. And just like that, it ends. It’s a strange quality to know that you are mortal. Someday that snatching bird will come for you in some form or another.

Some trees on this planet will live to be hundreds of years old. And some things will only have their eyes open a split second to take in the miracle of life itself before being consumed back into the raging fire needed for rebirth.

Yet, most of us don’t want to see. We get on with our lives, putting blinders to the reality of being. It had occurred to me while I watched the often macabre truth of existence, the eating and being eaten, that nature eventually balances itself.

When a herd becomes too large and ends up eating all of its food sources, they in-turn become so weak that another species comes along and reduces the herd to a level of viability, and then the species that ate them becomes too large and so on, and the cycle continues.

We think we are exempt from natural law. The very laws that created us.

But a strong mutating, invisible virus can wipe out entire populations. Or a small increase in worldwide temperature. Or mostly ourselves, if being faced with a radical change to our way of living, or even our comfort level. We are no different, I thought, even though we think we are.

Someday, we may be cut short, or at least having a large part cut off.

But, before that happens, or simultaneously, you may need to read the first book of my humorous Apocalyptic and Survival Fiction Series, Truncated: Apocalyptic and Loving It!

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Here is your free online download to Truncated I: Apocalyptic and Loving It!

A Chapter from Truncated:

How the world could end from Truncated: Apocalyptic and Loving It!



A Book by Don Winslow